Classes will be held once a week at 18h30 till 21h on Mondays. The meeting will consist of 15 minutes of preparation, 2hrs of work and, 15 minutes of cleaning. From 17.02.2025 to 28.04.2025 (except on Monday, 17.03.2025).

The cost of the 9 classes per 2.5hours is 230 euros paid once at the beginning of the workshop to the teacher. The price of the classes includes the participation fee, one-on-one consultations, room rental fee and materials. The minimum group is 6 persons, the maximum 12.

Work materials:
Coming to the workshop you will receive all needed materials to make one icon: a set of 4 brushes: in different sizes made of squirrel hair plus one plastic one, a palette, a wooden board prepared with white layer of glue-chalk “levkas” and 11 pigments and tools to work in the class – sponges, spatulas, sandpaper, paper towels, wine, eggs, candles, paper, tracing paper, rubber bands and others.


No experience or art education is necessary to start writing icons ! 

Learning begins with mastering the basics of icon-writing and is conducted at a pace that suits the participants’ abilities and needs. We work with the historical method.
During the class you will learn:
– holding the brush correctly
– precision and diligence
– making emulsion from eggs and wine and mixing tempera from pigments and emulsion,
– the basics of observation and composition, making a sketch and transferring it to the wooden board,
– painting

A few words from the presenter:

“My name is Katarzyna Martynuska and I am an art historian by education at the University of Warsaw. I acquired my painting skills at the Study of the Christian East in Warsaw and at the Christian Association of Creators of Sacred Art “Ecclesia” in Cracow.
In Warsaw, for four years, I led icon painting workshops at the “Way to Beauty” studio, with which I still cooperate. I am currently a student of the master class at the Brussels Academy of Icon Painting. 
I am also a founder of “TEKLA” association – promoting women and girls in the Catholic church.
 My second profession is music – I’m playing baroque music violone, now I’m also a student in Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles.”

REGISTRATION and any questions: 


My website:

