Peace prayer and distribution of the light.

Taken from the eternal flame in the grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the scouts carry the same flame into the whole world. Since almost 40 years this light connects us to the birth of Jesus which the Christians are about to celebrate. “Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth.”, the angels sang at Bethlehem.

This light is also a strong sign for the longing for peace in Israel, the Palestinian territories and all places of war and violence in the world.

The light arrives at the Chapel for Europe and is welcomed with a peace prayer. From here it will be distributed to all communities and individuals who come to join into this worldwide network of hope for peace.

Please bring your own lanterns. The light can also be obtained at the Chapel until the 20th December on appointment.

You can participate also online using the link to the Livestream. 

An initiative by the Chapel for Europe with the support of Les Scouts, CIDSE and Pax Christi International.