
In prayers we bring ourselves and our world before God, thanking, asking, hoping. It is part of the mission of the Chapel to invite Christians to pray together and to bring the needs and joys of Europe before God.

Ecumenical Morning Prayer 

We start the days with singing the psalms, hearing the Gospel  of the day and praying in our intentions and we are following the laudes.

  • Mondays,  8:00 at the Chapel
  • Wednesdays, 8:00 (online; here is the Zoomlink)
  • Fridays, 8:30 in the Crypt of the Chapel


Mondays during lunchtime (12:00 to 14.00) we invite you to the Eucharistic adoration in the crypt.  In the presence of Christ, the exposed blessed Sacrament, we watch and pray and  remain silent to open ourselves to His graces…

Prayer groups

At the Chapel and in the European Institutions several prayer groups are meeting regularly. Some prayer groups are ecumanical, other belong to a specific Christian denomination, for example: the Ignatian Prayer Group,  a Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer group (fr), and an Evangelical prayer group.