Masses at the Chapel

Every week we invite to pray together for Europe and those working for it. Beside the regular prayers there is the possibility to participate in masses and services.
On Sunday evening, 19:00 we celebrate a (catholic) Mass for the Young Professionals in English. There are Taizé songs, a sharing on the gospel and a get together afterwards.
Once a month we celebrate a Mass for Children and their Families on Sunday mornings (French and English). The dates are announced in our calendar and a newsletter to those who subscribe to it.
There may be also services of other denominations, mainly the Finnish Seamen’s Mission on Sundays. Please find out the dates with them.
During the week there are masses on Tuesday and Wednesday at 13:15, mostly in French. They are an invitation to a interrupt the day at the office.
There are also services of other denominations. You can conctact directly with them.