Ecumenical Thursday Prayer Lunch

Ecumenical Thursday Prayer Lunch

En anglais. Come join our Food for Soul: Ecumenical Thursday Prayer, followed by a simple lunch in the upper room of the Chapel. We have relaunched this moment of praying together and sharing a meal in the middle of the busy week. The Prayer is led by representatives...
Ecumenical Thursday Prayer Lunch

Ecumenical Thursday Prayer Lunch

En anglais. Further dates in 2024: July 25, September 26, October 31 and November 11. Come join our Food for Soul: Ecumenical Thursday Prayer, followed by a simple lunch in the upper room of the Chapel. We have relaunched this moment of praying together and sharing a...
❌ P O S T P O N E D ❌ – Conference and sharing

❌ P O S T P O N E D ❌ – Conference and sharing

❌ P O S T P O N E D ❌ WE ARE VERY SORRY TO ANNOUNCE YOU THAT do to unforeseen circumstances we have to postpone this event. It will be re scheduled for next autumn. We will keep you updated.   Organized with the Christian Women’s EU Policy Network . Talk on...