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Chapel for Europe

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Events from this organiser

Messe pour les enfants et leur parents / Children’s mass with parents

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

The service will be held mainly in French; some parts could be in English, depending on the participants. Une célébration avec enfants de 0 à 6 ans et leurs familles. Célébrant: P. Bernd Günther sj. Voici les dates suivantes pour 2024: 10 novembre ,8 decembre.  Veuillez également lire nos communications en cas de changement de date. La Messe s’adresse spécialement aux enfants de 0 à 6 ans, ils/elles restent sur le grand tapis devant l’autel, entourés de leurs parents. Le service est adapté pour les enfants, y compris les chants, l’homélie et la liturgie, pour les impliquer autant que possible, et dure 45 minutes (60 minutes avec l’arrivée et le retour des tapis). Ensuite, les familles se réunissent pour une petite collation. L’allaitement maternel est bienvenu, le changement de couches est possible, et il y a des toilettes et un ascenseur pour les poussettes dans la chapelle. Les familles d’autres confessions chrétiennes sont les bienvenues, selon l’esprit œcuménique de la Chapelle (la célébration suit la liturgie catholique). Les parents sont invités à se joindre à l’équipe des parents organisateurs, régulièrement ou occasionnellement, avec : – musique pendant la messe (guitare, piano, chant ou autre) – activité/animation basée sur l’évangile du […]

Memorial mass for Mgr Noël Treanor

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

COMECE and the Chapel for Europe invite you to a commemoration mass for Mgr Noël Treanor on Tuesday, 24 September 2024,  at 19:00 at the Chapel. Completely unexpected Mgr Noël Treanor died on Sunday, August 11, 2024. With his immense European experience, being a polyglot and a fervent supporter of the European integration, he served these last years as the Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union. Whoever met him was amazed by his kindness and openness, his commitment and his modesty. He was beloved by many and was a great friend and supporter of the Chapel for Europe. In his time as Secretary General of COMECE,  he was decisively involved in the founding and beginnings of the Chapel for Europe. Come join us in prayer that he may enjoy eternal rest.                           

Ecumenical Thursday Prayer Lunch

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

In English / En anglais. Come join our Food for Soul: Ecumenical Thursday Prayer, followed by a simple lunch in the upper room of the Chapel. We have relaunched this moment of praying together and sharing a meal in the middle of the busy week. The Prayer is led by representatives of the different Christian churches. Come join us if you work in or around the EU Institutions or other organizations in Brussels! If you would just like to find some time to pray, reflect, and share with others during the busy working week, you are welcome to participate. Also if you are interested in spirituality from different Christian traditions. Or maybe you have been waiting for an opportunity to invite a colleague to (re)discover Jesus. Please note the following dates in your agenda: September 26, October 31, November 11.


Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

CELEBRATED BY / CÉLÉBRÉ PAR : – Mgr Luc Terlinden ( Archbishop of Malines-Brussels, catholic) – Mgr John Baptist Itaruma (from the Apostolic Nunciature to the EU, catholic) – Pevd Steven Fuite (President of EPUB, protestant) – Metropolitan Athenagoras (Ecumenical Patriarchate, Orthodox Church) – The Rt Revd Robert Innes (Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe, anglican) –  Revd Zadik Avedikian (Armenian Apostolic Church) – Fr Bernd Günther sj (Catholic Church) The traditional Ecumenical Opening Prayer will be celebrated on 8 October at 19:00 at the Chapel for Europe. This year it is not only the restart after the summer break but also the beginning of a new phase in the European Parliament and the EU institutions. We are delighted to have bishops from different churches with us. Please save the date. After the celebration: a simple reception. *********          *********          **********          **********          **********          **********           *********** La traditionnelle Prière œcuménique de la rentrée aura lieu le 8 octobre à 19h00 à la Chapelle pour l’Europe. Cette année marque non seulement le début de la rentrée après les vacances d’été, mais aussi le début d’une nouvelle phase au Parlement européen et dans les institutions de l’UE. Nous sommes ravis d’accueillir des évêques de différentes […]

My way in Europe: Career orientation evening for EU Young Professionals

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

Career orientation evening for EU Young Professionals The highlight of the evening will be the captivating testimony by Mr. Wolfgang Burtscher, Director-General of DG AGRI of the Commission. Mr. Wolfgang Burtscher will share his career journey, offering valuable advice and insights for recently arrived EU trainees and other young professionals regarding opportunities to work within the EU. This event promises to be an exceptional opportunity for networking, learning, and professional growth. Join us in this enriching evening!