The Chapel for Europe warmly invites you to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ with us..

The celebrations will be held in English.

✝ ✝ The Mass of the Lord’s Supper Thursday, 17 April 20:00

✝✝ Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Friday, 18 April 18:30

✝✝ Ecumenical Easter Vigil together with the Finnish Seamen’s Mission Saturday, 19 April  22:00

We look forward to celebrating together!

Save-The-Date for the CHAPEL’S RESURRECTION VESPER on Sunday, 27 April – 18:00.


Attention : no Easter Sunday Eucharist on Sunday, 20 April at 19:00.

The Chapel will be closed on Easter Monday (April 21st). We encourage you to join your parish communities on this day.