17.02. – 18:30 Painting with light

17.02. – 18:30 Painting with light

ICONS WRITING WORKSHOP CALENDAR AND FEES Classes will be held once a week at 18h30 till 21h on Mondays. The meeting will consist of 15 minutes of preparation, 2hrs of work and, 15 minutes of cleaning. From 17.02.2025 to 28.04.2025 (except on Monday, 17.03.2025). The...
16.02 -17:00:  Contemplative prayer group

16.02 -17:00: Contemplative prayer group

Contemplative prayer group inspired by the teachings of Franz Jalics sj When? The contemplative meditation group will meet in the crypt from 17:00 to 18:45 once a month on Sunday, except in April 2025. Mark the following dates in 2025 in your calendar: 30 March, 18...