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Educational exhibition on “Fratelli Tutti” : À la rencontre de la fraternité humaine

February 25 | 12:00 - March 16 | 14:00

The Chapel for Europe collaborated in the creation of an exhibition of 8 banners around Fratelli Tutti, designed by the Maison diocésaine de l’enseignement Bruxelles-Brabant Wallon. The exhibition links the text of the papal letter with the wisdom of other spiritual traditions, opening up a path of dialogue.

The exhibition will be on display at the Chapel until March 16, during the Chapel’s opening hours. If you are interested at another time, it is possible to make an appointment at welcome@chapelforeurope.eu

Chapel for Europe opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00.

Although it has been designed for schools, this exhibition can also be used elsewhere and borrowed. Dutch and English versions are also available. For bookings or questions, contact Geoffrey Legrand: geoffrey.legrand@codiecbxlbw.be.

A warm invitation! Please free to share it


February 25 | 12:00
March 16 | 14:00
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Chapel for Europe
Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24
Brussels, Belgium
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Chapel for Europe
+32(2) 23.09.242