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Event Series Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer (fr)

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels

Come and discover our Morning Prayer with psalms, the Gospel of the day and intercession prayer, following mainly the prayer of the Laudes.  The prayer are mostly in French, but can also be partly in English, depending on the attending persons. 30 minutes of prayer are followed by a coffee or tea together in the foyer of the Chapel. An excellent way to start the working day! When: Mondays,  8:00-9:00 at the Chapel Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82240793358#success ,  ID: 822 4079 3358 – There is no code, there is a waiting room. For more information, please contact:  ALCARAZ Fabienne at Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu Fridays, 8:30-9:00 in the Crypt of the Chapel Contact: Fabienne Alcaraz at  Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu

Event Series Adoration


Mondays during lunchtime (12:00 to 14.00) we invite you to the Eucharistic adoration in the crypt.  In the presence of Christ, the exposed blessed Sacrament, we watch and pray and  remain silent to open ourselves to His graces…

18,19, 20.11.2024 – 12:00 Festival “Venite, Adoremus 2024”

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels

The Chapel for Europe invites you to take part in the ‘Venite, Adoremus 2024’ Eucharistic Adoration Festival. The Chapel will host the Venite, Adoremus 2024 Festival in the crypt on : - Monday 18 November from 12:00 to 14:00. - Tuesday 19 November from 12:00 to 13:00. You are invited to join the weekly Mass at 1.15pm in the Chapel. - Wednesday 20 November from 12:00 to 13:00. You are invited to join the weekly Mass at 1.15pm in the Chapel.   The Festival of Eucharistic Adoration ‘Venite, Adoremus 2024’ will be from 14 to 24 November 2024, throughout Belgium. HERE the full programme.