How to disagree well : Christian Reconciliation
How to disagree well : Christian Reconciliation
A series of three conferences on the difficult journey of HOPE and how to transform conflict. This series aims to facilitate a deep encounter between faith and some leaders involved in the public and political sphere. From the heart of Europe, we want to contribute to a more sustainable peace in today’s polarised society, not through seeking shallow common ground, but through better understanding our differences – learning to disagree well. Following the “Rose way” we invite you to navigate change and transform conflict so together wecan reimagine peace. This is a joint project of Rose Castle Foundation and Chapel for Europe. 1st Conference - Tuesday 21.01.2025 - 19:00HOW TO DISAGREE WELL - CHRISTIAN RECONCILIATION During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we aim to discuss Rose Castle’s project “ChristianWisdom of Reconciliation” based on the 12 Habits of reconciliation for fostering EcumenicalDialogue.Reconciliation seeks healing of what is broken. It recognises all is not well, and repair is needed.The 12 Habits are practical characteristics emerging from decades observing reconcilers on thefrontlines of violent conflict. They are rooted within the Christian faith, whilst also accessible toanyone seeking to be a reconciling presence within their context. Click here to find out more.Guests […]