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HOW TO DISAGREE WELL – Scriptural Reasoning, a Dialogue Between Faiths

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels

A series of three conferences on the difficult journey of HOPE and how to transform conflict. In English. This series aims to facilitate a deep encounter between faith and some leaders involved in the public and political sphere. From the heart of Europe, we want to contribute to a more sustainable peace in today’s polarized society, not through seeking shallow common ground, but through better understanding our differences – learning to disagree well. Following the “Rose way” we invite you to navigate change and transform conflict so together we can re-imagine peace. This is a joint project of Rose Castle Foundation and the Chapel for Europe. ♦2nd Conference – Tuesday 11.02.2025 – 19:00 HOW TO DISAGREE WELL – SCRIPTURAL REASONING, A DIALOGUE BETWEEN FAITHS Inspired by the World Interfaith Harmony Week, we want to introduce this fresh approach to modern day inter-faith dialogue, which puts scripture at the heart of the conversation. Unlike some forms of inter-faith engagement, it is not about seeking agreement but rather sharing our very different scriptural texts to address a shared contemporary challenge or issue. The aim is to discover a better quality of disagreement, so we can collaborate for God’s sake as we seek […]