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Event Series Mass

Messe (fr.)

At the Chapel for Europe weekly masses are celebrated on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 13:15. The mass is celebrated according to the roman catholic liturgy including the Eucharist. Usually the celebration will be in French, on occasions also in  English, depending the attendees. The Chapel opens its doors and welcomes you from Monday to Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00 for a silent prayer, a moment of reflection or just some minutes of spiritual pause during the busy week days. Come as you are, you are always welcome!  

Movie Night: Inside Out

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

Come join our first Movie Night of the semester with the refreshing-packed-with-emotions film Inside Out . English with French subtitles. This 2015 Pixar movie takes us to the mind of an 11 year-old girl, Riley, where emotions take center stage. The film's unique concept and stunning animation are matched by its heartfelt storytelling. Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust, each with their own distinct personalities, guide us through Riley's emotional landscape as she navigates a life-changing move. The film deftly balances humor and poignancy, exploring complex themes of loss, change, and the importance of embracing all emotions. Inside Out is a must-see for all ages, a touching reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope.

Event Series Morning prayer online

Morning prayer online (fr)

Come and discover our Morning Prayer with psalms, the Gospel of the day and intercession prayer, following mainly the prayer of the Laudes.  The prayer are mostly in French, but can also be partly in English, depending on the attending persons. 30 minutes of prayer are followed by a coffee or tea together in the foyer of the Chapel. An excellent way to start the working day! When: Mondays,  8:00-9:00 at the Chapel Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82240793358#success ,  ID: 822 4079 3358 – There is no code, there is a waiting room. For more information, please contact:  ALCARAZ Fabienne at Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu Fridays, 8:30-9:00 in the Crypt of the Chapel Contact: Fabienne Alcaraz at  Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu

Event Series Mass

Messe (fr.)

At the Chapel for Europe weekly masses are celebrated on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 13:15. The mass is celebrated according to the roman catholic liturgy including the Eucharist. Usually the celebration will be in French, on occasions also in  English, depending the attendees. The Chapel opens its doors and welcomes you from Monday to Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00 for a silent prayer, a moment of reflection or just some minutes of spiritual pause during the busy week days. Come as you are, you are always welcome!  

Event Series Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer (fr)

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

Come and discover our Morning Prayer with psalms, the Gospel of the day and intercession prayer, following mainly the prayer of the Laudes.  The prayer are mostly in French, but can also be partly in English, depending on the attending persons. 30 minutes of prayer are followed by a coffee or tea together in the foyer of the Chapel. An excellent way to start the working day! When: Mondays,  8:00-9:00 at the Chapel Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82240793358#success ,  ID: 822 4079 3358 – There is no code, there is a waiting room. For more information, please contact:  ALCARAZ Fabienne at Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu Fridays, 8:30-9:00 in the Crypt of the Chapel Contact: Fabienne Alcaraz at  Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu

Event Series Morning Prayer

Ignatian Prayer Group

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

The Ignatian Meditation Group meets every Friday at 18:45 in the crypt of the Chapel for Europe. Ignatian spirituality can show you the way to a joyful and meaningful life. It will give you the tools to learn to focus,  in a very concrete way, on the importance of joy in the life of Christians who wants to live according to the Gospel. For more information, please contact: Fr. Bernd Guenther sj: bernd.guenther@chapelforeurope.eu.  

Messe pour les enfants et leur parents / Children’s mass with parents

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

The service will be held mainly in French; some parts could be in English, depending on the participants. Une célébration avec enfants de 0 à 6 ans et leurs familles. Célébrant: P. Bernd Günther sj. Voici les dates suivantes pour 2024: 10 novembre ,8 decembre.  Veuillez également lire nos communications en cas de changement de date. La Messe s’adresse spécialement aux enfants de 0 à 6 ans, ils/elles restent sur le grand tapis devant l’autel, entourés de leurs parents. Le service est adapté pour les enfants, y compris les chants, l’homélie et la liturgie, pour les impliquer autant que possible, et dure 45 minutes (60 minutes avec l’arrivée et le retour des tapis). Ensuite, les familles se réunissent pour une petite collation. L’allaitement maternel est bienvenu, le changement de couches est possible, et il y a des toilettes et un ascenseur pour les poussettes dans la chapelle. Les familles d’autres confessions chrétiennes sont les bienvenues, selon l’esprit œcuménique de la Chapelle (la célébration suit la liturgie catholique). Les parents sont invités à se joindre à l’équipe des parents organisateurs, régulièrement ou occasionnellement, avec : – musique pendant la messe (guitare, piano, chant ou autre) – activité/animation basée sur l’évangile du […]

Event Series Mass for young professionals

Mass for young professionals (En)

We invite everybody, especially the young professionals from the European and International milieu to come together to celebrate the Sunday with this (catholic) mass with Taizé songs, sharing of the Gospel and praying together. The service is usually in English. After the mass, we have a traditional drink and chat. Cotact: welcome@chapelforeurope.eu

Event Series Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer (fr)

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

Come and discover our Morning Prayer with psalms, the Gospel of the day and intercession prayer, following mainly the prayer of the Laudes.  The prayer are mostly in French, but can also be partly in English, depending on the attending persons. 30 minutes of prayer are followed by a coffee or tea together in the foyer of the Chapel. An excellent way to start the working day! When: Mondays,  8:00-9:00 at the Chapel Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82240793358#success ,  ID: 822 4079 3358 – There is no code, there is a waiting room. For more information, please contact:  ALCARAZ Fabienne at Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu Fridays, 8:30-9:00 in the Crypt of the Chapel Contact: Fabienne Alcaraz at  Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu

Event Series Adoration


Mondays during lunchtime (12:00 to 14.00) we invite you to the Eucharistic adoration in the crypt.  In the presence of Christ, the exposed blessed Sacrament, we watch and pray and  remain silent to open ourselves to His graces…

Event Series Mass

Messe (fr.)

At the Chapel for Europe weekly masses are celebrated on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 13:15. The mass is celebrated according to the roman catholic liturgy including the Eucharist. Usually the celebration will be in French, on occasions also in  English, depending the attendees. The Chapel opens its doors and welcomes you from Monday to Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00 for a silent prayer, a moment of reflection or just some minutes of spiritual pause during the busy week days. Come as you are, you are always welcome!  

Event Series Memorial mass for Mgr Noël Treanor

Memorial mass for Mgr Noël Treanor

Chapel for Europe Rue Van Maerlantstraat 22-24, Brussels, Belgium

COMECE and the Chapel for Europe invite you to a commemoration mass for Mgr Noël Treanor on Tuesday, 24 September 2024,  at 19:00 at the Chapel. Completely unexpected Mgr Noël Treanor died on Sunday, August 11, 2024. With his immense European experience, being a polyglot and a fervent supporter of the European integration, he served these last years as the Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union. Whoever met him was amazed by his kindness and openness, his commitment and his modesty. He was beloved by many and was a great friend and supporter of the Chapel for Europe. In his time as Secretary General of COMECE,  he was decisively involved in the founding and beginnings of the Chapel for Europe. Come join us in prayer that he may enjoy eternal rest.