Ecumenical Prayer Lunch

You are invited one a month on Thursday to the “Ecumenical Prayer Lunch”, consisting of an ecumenical prayer/reflection, followed by a shared meal.

Across the various Christian traditions, people have practiced and developed a multitude of ways to pray.  During the Ecumenical prayer lunches, prayers are led by representatives of different Christian denominations, so that everyone can find a place and learn to experience the presence of God in different ways. The prayers are mostly in English, however there are also some prayers in French.

Come and pray in silence. Come and sing contemporary praises. Come and sing ancient hymns. Come and imagine your place in the story of the Scriptures. Come and pray in the different ways that Christians have over the millennia.

Join us on Thursdays at 13:00 for 30 minutes of prayer in the Chapel, followed by a simple lunch on our 2nd floor, giving us a chance to meet and share together.

You don’t need to bring a sandwich as a lunch is provided (soup and cheese, or ham, fish, tomatoes and cheese… then bread, wine, water and juices, finally a coffee and cake). The lunch is free, but your donations are welcome.

When : Thursdays, 13:00-14:00.
Where : Prayer in the Chapel, lunch on our 2nd floor