ICONS WRITING WORKSHOP CALENDAR AND FEES Classes will be held once a week at 18h30 till 21h on Mondays. The meeting will consist of 15 minutes of preparation, 2h of work, 15 minutes of cleaning. We start on February the 10th till April the 14th (except March 17th). The cost of the 9 classes per 2,5hours is 230 euros paid once at the beginning of the workshop. The price of the classes includes the participation fee, one-on-one consultations, room rental fee and materials. The minimum group is 6 persons, the maximum - 12. Work materials: By coming to the workshop you’re getting all needed materials to make one icon: a set of 4 brushes: in different sizes made of squirrel hair plus one plastic one, a palette, a wooden board prepared with white layer of glue-chalk “levkas” and 11 pigments and tools for work in the class - sponges, spatulas, sandpaper, paper towels, wine, eggs, candles, paper, tracing paper, rubber bands and others. REQUIREMENTS: No experience or art education is necessary to start writing icons ! Learning begins with mastering the basics of icon-writing and is conducted at a pace that suits the participants' abilities and needs. We work with […]
At the Chapel for Europe weekly masses are celebrated on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 13:15. The mass is celebrated according to the roman catholic liturgy including the Eucharist. Usually the celebration will be in French, on occasions also in English, depending the attendees. The Chapel opens its doors and welcomes you from Monday to Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00 for a silent prayer, a moment of reflection or just some minutes of spiritual pause during the busy week days. Come as you are, you are always welcome!
The love and guidance of a mother undeniably shape our perspective on life, while their nurturing support helps us grow in faith. A mother's ability to impart faith is a powerful influence that guides us through our journey, serving as a beacon of hope and strength. Through stories, prayers, and words of wisdom, mothers empower their children to dream, believe in themselves, and overcome life's challenges. A mother's faith is characterized by an unshakable love – a love that transcends fear and nurtures resilience. We are so excited to introduce you to four incredible mothers from diverse religious backgrounds. These amazing women will be sharing their journeys as faith-filled transmitters of faith and how their beliefs play a crucial role in raising their children: Nehama Uzan - Programme Director - European Jewish Community Centre Joëlle Troeder-Leblond – Co- chair for Soka Gakkai International Belgium with responsibility for women’s activities (Buddhist) Mari Sol Pérez Guevara – Poet, author of the book "Spirituality and burnout", spiritual coach and Theology student. Catholic. Tiar Rkia - President of the European Women of Faith Network (Muslim) Facilitator : Sabina González Vilas – Program and Interfaith Dialogue Manager at the Chapel for Europe
Come and discover our Morning Prayer with psalms, the Gospel of the day and intercession prayer, following mainly the prayer of the Laudes. The prayer are mostly in French, but can also be partly in English, depending on the attending persons. 30 minutes of prayer are followed by a coffee or tea together in the foyer of the Chapel. An excellent way to start the working day! When: Mondays, 8:00-9:00 at the Chapel Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82240793358#success , ID: 822 4079 3358 – There is no code, there is a waiting room. For more information, please contact: ALCARAZ Fabienne at Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu Fridays, 8:30-9:00 in the Crypt of the Chapel Contact: Fabienne Alcaraz at Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu
At the Chapel for Europe weekly masses are celebrated on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 13:15. The mass is celebrated according to the roman catholic liturgy including the Eucharist. Usually the celebration will be in French, on occasions also in English, depending the attendees. The Chapel opens its doors and welcomes you from Monday to Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00 for a silent prayer, a moment of reflection or just some minutes of spiritual pause during the busy week days. Come as you are, you are always welcome!
In English / En anglais. Come join our Food for Soul: Ecumenical Thursday Prayer, followed by a simple lunch in the upper room of the Chapel. This moment of praying together and sharing a meal in the middle of the busy week will be held every Thursday in 2025 from 13:00 to 14:00. Come join us if you work in or around the EU Institutions or other organizations in Brussels! If you would just like to find some time to pray, reflect, and share with others during the busy working week, you are welcome to participate. Also if you are interested in spirituality from different Christian traditions. This could be an opportunity you have been waiting to invite a colleague to (re)discover Jesus. The Prayer is led by representatives of the different Christian churches: 06.03. led by: Johannes Reitze-Landau, Pastor, All Lutheran Church 13.03. led by: Tina Blomquist, Parish Priest, Church of Sweden in Brussels 20.03. led by: Katja Baumann, Pastor, German Protestant Church 27.03. led by: Jaakko Heinimäki, Pastor Benelux Finnish Seamen's Mission
Lent is a time for reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth—an opportunity to reorient our lives and strengthen our relationship with God. The Chapel invites you to a Retreat in Daily Life that will help you deepen your spirituality and grow in the experience of God's closeness. This retreat is based on Ignatian spirituality and will focus on the Credo—formulated at the Council of Nicaea (325 ad), 1,700 years ago. The Credo is still the basic summary of the Christian faith in all churches today, it will guide us as we reflect on our daily lives during Lent. The retreat will include a personal daily prayer, for which instructions will be given, a prayerful review of the day and weekly sharing in the group. Start Date: 6 March at 19:30 in the crypt Weekly Meetings on Thursdays at 19:30 until 10 April in the crypt To register or for more information, please contact Fr. Bernd Günther SJ at bernd.guenther@chapelforeurope.eu
Come and discover our Morning Prayer with psalms, the Gospel of the day and intercession prayer, following mainly the prayer of the Laudes. The prayer are mostly in French, but can also be partly in English, depending on the attending persons. 30 minutes of prayer are followed by a coffee or tea together in the foyer of the Chapel. An excellent way to start the working day! When: Mondays, 8:00-9:00 at the Chapel Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82240793358#success , ID: 822 4079 3358 – There is no code, there is a waiting room. For more information, please contact: ALCARAZ Fabienne at Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu Fridays, 8:30-9:00 in the Crypt of the Chapel Contact: Fabienne Alcaraz at Fabienne.ALCARAZ@ec.europa.eu
The Ignatian Meditation Group meets every Friday in the crypt of the Chapel for Europeat 18:45 with an adoration and at 19:00 the guided meditation beginns. Ignatian spirituality can show you the way to a joyful and meaningful life. It will give you the tools to learn to focus, in a very concrete way, on the importance of joy in the life of Christians who wants to live according to the Gospel. For more information, please contact: Fr. Bernd Guenther sj: bernd.guenther@chapelforeurope.eu.
Contemplative prayer group inspired by the teachings of Franz Jalics sj. When? The contemplative meditation group will meet in the crypt from 17:00 to 18:45 once a month on Sundays. Mark the following dates in 2025 in your calendar: 30 March, 18 May, 15 June, 20 July. To whom? Open to everyone willing to practice Christian meditation in a community. Newcomers welcome! How would we organize the time? - 17:00 - 17:20 - Chi kung (contemplative movement) - 17:30 - 17:50 - Sitting meditation - 17:50 - 18:05 - Walking meditation - 18:05 - 18:25 - Sitting meditation - 18:30 - 18:45 - time to put things in order, in silence. Those who wish can stay for the Mass at 19:00. We will keep the silence until the Mass. Welcome! More information in English on Franz Jalics sj More information in French on Franz Jalics sj
We invite everybody, especially the young professionals from the European and International milieu, to come together to celebrate every Sunday with this (Catholic) mass, singing Taizé songs, sharing the Gospel, and praying together. The service is usually in English. After the mass, we have a traditional drink and chat. Cotact: welcome@chapelforeurope.eu